Our Mission: Comfort and Sustainability

Since our founding in Medellín in 2023, Luna Roja has been driven by a burning desire to offer practical solutions to women in the most crucial moments.

We embark on this journey with the dream of empowering every woman, providing her with products and answers that meet her needs and exceed her expectations, especially when additional support can make a significant difference.

We are dedicated to making women's lives a little easier and a lot more enjoyable, especially during those key days.

December 2023 marked an exciting milestone in our history: the opening of a new branch in Montreal, Canada.

From Montreal, we have not only expanded our mission within Canada, but we have also begun serving Latina women in the United States, reaffirming our commitment to supporting the Latina community throughout the continent.

This step is a testament to our growth and our unwavering dedication to the well-being and empowerment of Latina women, wherever they are.

Coming soon, we will continue our expansion with great enthusiasm by establishing ourselves in Mexico City, further strengthening our reach and ability to positively impact the lives of women throughout the Americas.

At Luna Roja, we recognize the uniqueness of each woman and strive to offer solutions that respect their individuality, providing products such as menstrual underwear designed to provide comfort, security and freedom during those critical days.

Our goal does not change: to empower Latina women in every corner of the continent to live their lives with confidence and dignity.

With every step we take, our commitment to dedication and love grows stronger, not only to improve the quality of women's lives but also to empower them to face each day with strength and optimism.

Luna Roja transcends being a brand; It is a community, an extended family that crosses borders to touch the lives of women across the continent.

We invite you to be part of this movement, to join a revolution that seeks to change not only the world's perception of menstruation but also improve how women experience those days.

At Luna Roja, we believe in feminine power, in its intrinsic strength, in its resilient capacity and, above all, in its inalienable right to a life without restrictions or limitations.

Connect with Us: Your Feedback is Our Guide

Being there for women at every stage of their lives, offering them comfort, effectiveness and freedom, so that they can live fully and face their daily challenges with confidence and serenity.

It is our commitment to be constant support, ensuring your well-being and comprehensive development.


That's why we want to listen to you constantly so we can improve.

We test our products on women and ask for their opinions so we can offer the best product for you. We are also very interested in your evaluation. You can send us your opinion right here.

Contact us

Red Moon Girls Review
Red Moon Girls Review
I loved the design, the lace around it makes them very feminine, they absorb very quickly and you don't feel any type of humidity during the day.
— Maria Estrada
Red Moon Girls Review
I really love it. It looks great on me and I can use it for any occasion.
— Juliana Henao