Do men also get menstruation? No, periods are a physiological process exclusive to women and occur as a result of hormonal changes in their menstrual cycle, but read on as they experience something similar to us.

Why don't we remember what the menstruation process is like in women?

men also have menstruation

Menstruation is a natural process in which the body of a person of reproductive capacity releases blood and tissue from the lining of the uterus through the vagina. The menstrual cycle normally lasts about 28 days, although it can vary from 21 to 35 days.

The process of menstruation begins with the production of hormones by the brain and ovaries.

The brain produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which stimulates the ovaries to produce female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

Estrogen stimulates the growth of the lining of the uterus, while progesterone helps prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy.

If the egg is not fertilized, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, causing the lining of the uterus to shed and be released through the vagina as menstrual blood.

This process of releasing blood and tissue from the uterus usually lasts between 3 and 7 days, although it may be shorter or longer for some people. After menstruation, the cycle begins again with the production of hormones by the brain and ovaries.

Can transgender men experience menstruation?

Men also have menstruation

Transgender men are people who were assigned the female gender at birth, but have their identity as a man.

Although most transgender men take male hormones and undergo gender reassignment surgery to modify their body and appearance, this does not always involve the removal of their internal reproductive organs, such as the ovaries and uterus.

Consequently, some transgender men may experience menstruation, which can be an emotionally complex and difficult experience.

This is because menstruation has become a symbol of femininity and is seen as an intrinsic part of the female experience, which can make transgender men feel alienated and marginalized.

Additionally, menstruation can also have negative physical effects on them, such as menstrual cramps, mood swings, and breast tenderness.

These symptoms can be especially difficult to manage for trans people who have begun their physical transition and are experiencing already stressful hormonal changes.

However, there are options for transgender men to manage menstruation more comfortably and safely.

Some choose to take male hormones that restrict menstruation completely, while others choose to use menstrual hygiene products such as tampons, pads, menstrual cups or menstrual panties .

Importantly, the availability and accessibility of these products for transgender men may be limited due to a lack of information and awareness about menstruation in transgender people in general.

Additionally, the stigma and shame associated with menstruation can make transgender men uncomfortable purchasing or using these products in public.

But can men have menstruation?

If you were one of your friends, you'd probably assume this was due to her period, right? But here the question arises: Do men also experience something similar to menstruation? Keep reading!

This may take you by surprise, but men also experience something comparable to periods, known as the male hormonal cycle.

First, we want to remind you that men do not have the necessary anatomical structure to experience menstruation. They do not have a uterus or ovaries, which are the organs necessary to produce and release an egg that becomes menstruation.

Menstruation is a biological function exclusive to the female body, which occurs monthly to prepare the uterus for a possible pregnancy. But look what happens to them:

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone generated by the testicles that plays a crucial role in functions such as sexuality and reproduction, the development of muscle mass, the growth of hair in the pubic region and the change towards a deeper tone of voice, among others. other essential functions.

The testosterone cycle, going through various stages, influences both the emotional and physical state of people. Low testosterone levels can lead to symptoms such as sleep disorders, irritability, depression, and of course, impact sexual desire and erectile function.

Although testosterone is mostly a hormone also associated with the male gender, women produce it, although in smaller quantities.

But do men experience symptoms?

Men also have menstruation

Although we already explained above that men do not have menstruation, this does not mean that they cannot have symptoms similar to those that some of us experience during our menstrual cycle.

For example, men may experience mood swings, abdominal bloating, fatigue, headaches, and breast tenderness due to hormonal changes.

These symptoms may be related to conditions such as gynecomastia in which men develop excessive breast tissue. This can cause sensitivity or pain in the hairs, as well as changes in the texture of the skin around the area.

Another related condition is Klinefelter syndrome, which occurs when a man has one or more extra copies of the X chromosome.

This can cause higher levels of estrogen in the body, which can lead to changes in the body similar to those experienced by women during their menstrual cycle.

Additionally, some may experience rectal bleeding due to health problems such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, colorectal cancer, or inflammatory bowel disease. This bleeding should not be confused with menstruation, as it is not related to female reproductive function.

All of these changes are associated with different male hormonal cycles linked to testosterone, which we will explain to you below.

Types of male hormonal cycles

The varying amount of testosterone plays a direct role in mental and physical health. Although it is in the process of study, there are classifications for the different types of male hormonal cycles, based on the peaks of production of this hormone and its temporal frequency:

Brief and Intense

Recognized as Testosterone Minute Syndrome (TMS), this pattern involves hormonal changes that last approximately 20 minutes. It is estimated that these spikes can occur up to 6 or 7 times in a single day.


It has a 24 hour cycle. Testosterone reaches high levels in the morning and decreases as the day progresses. Upon waking, levels can range from approximately 800 to 1000 mg, dropping to around 400 mg in the afternoon.


About 60% of men experience a cycle of 8 to 30 days, during which peaks of high testosterone concentration occur. Unlike the female menstrual cycle, this cycle is not related to reproduction.


Surprisingly, it is during the fall that testosterone levels increase.


Testosterone initially manifests in the placenta, especially during the genital development stage. It is not until old age that the production of this hormone stabilizes and begins to decrease. It is intriguing how hormonal production influences five fundamental stages in a man's life (birth and childhood, puberty, maturity, adulthood or parenthood, and old age).

The famous irritable man syndrome

Irritable male syndrome, also known as male irritability syndrome, refers to a set of emotional and behavioral symptoms that some men may experience due to fluctuations in their hormonal levels, particularly in testosterone levels, as we explained above. .

Although it is not a recognized medical term, it is used to describe mood changes, irritability, anxiety, depression or emotional disturbances that some men may experience in their hormonal cycle.

This concept is based on the idea that hormonal changes can also influence the emotional well-being of men, similar to how they occur in women during their menstrual cycle.

However, it is important to note that research on this syndrome is limited and that the hormonal effects on men's mood are still the subject of study and debate in the scientific community.

In short, menstruation is an exclusive biological function of the female body due to the presence of specific reproductive organs. While men can experience similar symptoms such as mood swings just like some of us do during our menstrual cycle, they cannot experience a menstrual period.

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Frequent questions

What is it like to have a period for a trans man?

For many trans men, the occurrence of menstruation represents a constant reminder of inhabiting a body incongruent with their identity. In addition, facing possible feelings of fear and shame, along with the possibility of suffering discrimination and violence simply when purchasing products such as sanitary pads or tampons. But if you do not want to purchase those products, there are other alternatives that can help you and at Luna Roja you will find the famous Boy Shorts , ideal for you when you are in those days.

Do men also suffer from menopause?

Some describe it as the midlife crisis, while others compare it to menopause in men. The symptoms are similar: irritability, angry outbursts, emotional fluctuations and difficulties in communication. Although men do not experience bleeding, they do go through a hormonal cycle similar to that of women. It has been scientifically confirmed that testosterone levels reach their highest point in the morning and decrease throughout the day. In other words, men experience 24-hour hormonal cycles. As the years go by, there is a hormonal decline that, as usual, leads to changes in mood. It is the male version of periods and menopause, called by experts as male irritability syndrome .

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